
Coming Soon :)

About Hyper

The Basics

Full name: Hyper The Chao
Nicknames: Hypah, Little Guy, Little Buddy
Birthday: Unknown
Age: 4
Gender: None.
Pronouns: Any
Orientation: Ace
Species: Chao
Height: 40cm
Weight: 8lbs
Build: Pudding-like
Eye color: Dark Teal
Eye shape: Default open and round
Skin: White with pink and purple stripes on the arms and legs, yellow tinting on the toes.
Other distinguishing features: Yellow bandana
Native Language: Chao
Other Languages: All!
Parents: idk
Siblings: several, probably
Positive Traits: Go-getter, positive attitude, creative.
Negative Traits: Selfish, basically a child, whiny
Likes: Square Fruit, Treats, Cool Hero Stuff
Dislikes: Evil, Being Left Behind, Being Treated Like A Baby
Favorite Color: Yellow
Hobbies: Cool Hero Stuff! Sleeping in. Chao Racing.
Fears: Breaking the translator. Being Abandoned.
Alignment: Chaotic Good


Hyper is a white two-tone neutral fly chao who has gained enough run swim to morph into a more distinct form. Their most distinct feature however is their yellow bandana that covers their translation device.


Hyper is hyper. They're a rambunctious little go-getter with dreams of being a hero, rushing into just about everything thinking themselves invincible because heroes never lose.


Hyper was once an utterly ordinary chao living in the Station Square garden to be loved and raised by all kinds of visitors both human and mobian. Without a true owner they got to meet all kinds of people, some more special than others. Hyper was given their name for their rambuctious behavior, which gained a sort of irony when Hyper stole the batteries out of a strange device brought by a visitor and ate them, gaining Hyper-Go-On energy. The visitor then gifted him a necklace that did the same thing the device did, translating Hyper's speech to any language they wanted! Other chao are often jealous of this necklace, so Hyper hides it behind a yellow bandana. The visitor has come back to check on Hyper a few times, but given the long time since the last visit, Hyper knows they probably won't come back and adopt them. They've since decided that their abilities are wasted in the garden and escaped to become a great hero because great powers mean awesome adventures.


Placeholder: Placeholder


None, yet.

Roleplay Rules

Absolutely Not Allowed
NO ERP. No exceptions. Not even softcore ERP.
Don't kill Hyper. No bad ends.
Do not gore the chao (they don't have blood or guts)
No self-harm or suicide references.
Iffy Allowance
Light usage of illict substances. If its in the Choa Food Mod it's fine.
Any writing style or amount is fine, I'll gladly match you.


Chao normally cannot stand conflict. The energy that holds them together dissipates when war and strife occurs near a garden. Individual chao will flee, finding people to take them in and care for them if they cannot find a new peaceful place to live in. Hyper's Hyper-go-on energy interacts strangely with their chaos energy, making them resistant to this effect unless they're physically beaten. This regeneration cocoon however locks them in place, unable to resist further damage that could trigger a death cocoon.

Infinite flight without tiring. This lets Hyper float around. They're usually around head-height to the mobians around them.
Their flight can keep up with the average speed of a mobian (other chao are very slow around 100mph)(around 250 to 300 mph)
Can climb & run for several miles before tiring, but obviously prefers flight.
Can throw themmselves at enemies, forming a shield of energy around himself to take the blow. They're still a small and light projectile, though.
If actually seriously harmed, enters a greenish cocoon and spends a while regenerating. This is not pleasant for them. Cannot act while in cocoon mode. Further damage could be deadly.
Translator turns chao-speak into a slightly robotic voice in any language they choose, automatically picking the language of other speakers. Sounds nicer than omochao.
Being so small has its own advantages... but they don't have fingers.

