All About Izzie

The Basics
Full name: Izzierozi Lunaster/Izar 'Izzie' Rozi Lunaster
Birthday: 1st day of Midsummer/Feburary 26th
Age: Unknown. Varies on setting.
Complicated Age Answer: In the Sirverse and Izzieverse, she was 'born' about 300 years ago. She spent a few years (likely outside of normal time flow already) in the hands of the Architects as something distinctly not all that sapient before being kidnapped and brought to The Astral Wastes where time is very weird. Izzie has only counted about 10 years of her actual sapience there, but those 10 years were over 200 in the material. Mentally, she's definitely an adult, but she's also lacking a lot of the experiences that grant actual maturity. She's supposed to be a naive young 20-something that left home not long after her birthday.
Gender: Genderfluid, mostly Female
Pronouns: She/They
Orientation: Pansexual, no strong preferences
Species: Starspawn (Sirverse/Izzieverse), Shoggoth (MGE, any place this is valid), Star Slime (everywhere else)
Height: 4'7" ft
Weight: 77 lbs on average
Build: Short and slender
Hair color: Purple
Eye color: Glowing yellow with pale yellow sclera, no pupils
Hair style: Mid-length, curls up at the edges. Bangs form three small triangles on the face
Eye shape: Sloped back dramatically
Skin: Lavender to pale pink, shiny, moist to the touch
Distinguishing facial features: Tiny white sparkling freckles
Most prominent facial feature: Glowing eyes
Other distinguishing features: Distinctly shiny looking, including hair
Coloring style: Frilly and overly girly. Lots of gothic lolita and babydoll
Native Language: Deep Speech
Other Languages: Common, Primordial, Low Celestial
Pet/Son?: Squishy The Astral Kraken
Parents: Aldo Lunaster/The Philosopher, Sometimes Alaya
Siblings: Alden, Tibby, Roe, Acamar
Lover: Yuo (and sometimes Mie)
Positive Traits: excitable, cheerful, kind
Negative Traits: low self-esteem, naive
Likes: Cooking, Cleaning, Maids, Fairy Tales Ettique, Animals, Gardening, Her Dad, Romance, Books, Old Book Smell, Big Coats and Cloaks, Purple, Yellow, Dresses, Anything Frilly, Soups and Stews, Tea
Dislikes: Bullies
Favorite Color: Yellow
Hobbies: Cooking, Reading
Fears: Losing her friends, losing control of herself
Alignment: Neutral Good
Enneagram: 1w2
Almost entirely solid purple and gooey, dismissing the finer details of Izzie's primary form would be easy. Her 'hair' reaches her shoulder, with drippy bangs often falling into her face. When she keeps it up, a yellow hair band formed of slime keeps up the appearance of adhering to gravity. Her bright yellow eyes have a subtle glow to them that's more intense in darkness, the sclera being ever so slightly lighter than her pupils and irises that share a single shade. Her round face is dotted with pale yellow-white freckles which are sometimes invisible against her bright yellow blush. Her external slime varies in shade from dark purples and violets to pale pastels of the same colors, which allows her ‘skin’ to shift between lavender and a pale pink while her hair shifts between purple and violet. Her inner slime is rarely exposed but is made of the same glowing yellow of her eyes and blood. Her lower half of her body isn't often split into legs, preferring a singular slime foot in a dress-like shape, but when split is as slender and shapely as her upper half would suggest.
This form is kept up entirely by her own constant and now subconscious willpower. Even when asleep, this form doesn't drop. Knocked well and truly unconscious, Izzie becomes a massive, shapeless, oozing blob without distinctions of color. In a rage, she may drastically increase in size, covering her own body in tentacles and yellow eyes. In any sort of distress, these eyes will slowly appear on her in random locations until she reaches the tipping point into rage. She'll often manifest tentacles through her clothing, most likely two, and is rarely seen without them. Past that particular number, the tentacles gain some will of their own to act on which she avoids.
In important company (which includes her father) Izzie is quiet, servile, and gentle. She's completely content and blissful to play the role of a maid or a princess and relishes the chance to serve a proper tea and cake. In these times, Izzie would never speak up unless spoken to and would gladly observe even the most annoying quirks of etiquette. This is, however, not truly who Izzie is.
When allowed an ounce of freedom, Izzie is a much louder soul, curious, childlike, and overwhelmingly kind. Izzie will gladly batter people with questions, chase after animals, drag her friends around, and try to feed her enemies fresh soup. Lacking any real-world experience, everything is new and exciting to the little aberrant. Worse, she lacks any real idea of boundaries, especially concerning her psychic powers. There's a brilliant mind underneath the excitability, but her sharp intellect only surfaces after struggling with her baser nature. Izzie easily memorizes things and is quick to put together events and lore even under pressure. Thankfully, her friends (especially her older brothers) have been helping her rein in her childish side in favor of her natural nerdiness, but this can only do so much for her.
When she's older and more experienced she's liable to reconcile these two halves of herself to become a young lady with a personality like warm sunshine. Until then, Izzie is both a blessing and a terror. She's also not liable to grow out of the worst parts of her personality, such as being a massive praise seeker, a jealous lover, and generally low self-esteem. What Izzie sees in the mirror is a slimy monster, not the sweet purple-colored girl she presents herself as. She will likely never really understand what her friends see in her and yet carry on regardless, because that's what she's supposed to do.
Dreams And Ideals
Izzie is a humble dreamer. While she once only wanted to be useful to others, since meeting Mizuko she's started to dream bigger of being an excellent housewife-type of girl. Maid, Bar Maid, or Housewife, she doesn't care where she ends up as long as she's doing it with love and bringing smiles to others. It might be easy to mistake Izzie's altrustic nature and adventuring lifestyle as signs she longs to be a heroine, but in truth she's not all that keen on the burdens of fame after seeing what it's done to her older brothers. Izzie also dreams of things that are impossible, such as being worthy of redemption (none of her sins are her fault) and becoming an utterly normal girl (she would actually hate it, if it happened).
Her ideal world is one that doesn't need laws. A world where people help each other simply because they can, where their hearts and minds can reach out and know each other with ease and without clumsy words. Where things are not taboo, only frowned on if they bring you to harm. She dreams of a world where everyone is kind and in a pseudo-hivemind, and if she wanted, she could make it real in an instant.
Yuo: Lover and best friend. He is her rock, her voice of reason when her anxiety gets the better of her. He's very sweet to her and Izzie will never forget the lengths he goes to for her safety but most importantly her happiness. Very chaste relationship though. She's positively obsessed with him and after nearly losing him a few times she is both easily jealous and his staunch protector. Somehow, he's still always the one saving her. She could see herself marrying him someday.
Mie: Her other bestie with a fiery temper that has never been turned on her. When she's not hanging out with Yuo, she's likely with Mie somewhere doing girl stuff like hot springs, shopping trips, cooking together, or doing each others makeup. They also tend to snuggle together if put in the same room, even if they're in different beds. Their relationship is very romantic and even though they'd both be okay in a poly trio with Yuo, neither one has stepped up to change things or ask him about it.
Roe: Izzie had no idea they were siblings when they met, but after learning they're closer than ever. When Izzie can't bring a problem to Yuo or Mie, she goes to Roe. She likes challenging him to chess and watching Roe and Yuo spar. His knightly behavior makes him a big role model to Izzie.
Chantie: A dear friend, but they aren't particularly close. Chantie isn't a deep thinker, which causes Izzie to struggle to figure out what to talk about with her.
Joni: A contender for third bestie. Joni may relate everything back to bugs, but Izzie understands her quite well and they can go on for hours about everything and nothing. This is compounded when Mie is around to contribute.
Faram: Foster pirate dad. The dad she needed when she set off on adventure. She trusts him deeply even if they don't see eye to eye too often. Their relationship is pretty relaxed.
Aldo: Her adoptive father she treasures more than anything else. She'll get into fights just to protect his honor. Decent parent, if a little chilly due to his immortality and godhood detaching him from his emotions. Izzie does however bring out the best in him. Unfortunately for her, her dad is desperately trying to not be too attached and their relationship oscillates between familial and professional. Izzie is meant to be a tool, but he does genuinely care about her. Godhood also makes him the busiest man in the Planescape which is also not great. Other Gods do agree however, Izzie is the best thing to happen to him since he ascended 3 millenia ago.
Alaya-Sirverse: Kinda-sorta-mother. Due to unfortunate circumstances Izzie wasn't raised with her, but she's so glad to have her father's paramour around. She's also a great voice of reason even though Izzie has plenty of that already.
Alaya-Izzieverse: Due to being raised by her, Izzie will go to bat for her every time. Beloved, trusted, and put on the same pedestal as her father. She's not as cold as him, thankfully. Izzie is more comfortable talking to her than her father.
Acamar: Creator and also brother due to being equal beings born of the same source-star. Izzie doesn't mind his edgelord behavior and is glad to help him integrate into society. Acamar tolerates her well enough. A strange relationship between rival-friends.
Tibby: Izzie's other edgelord brother. She loves his pranks and stupid jokes and tolerates his edgelordness. Izzie is forever in his debt due to all he's done and sacrificed to help her ragtag group. He's also a discount Homura who got Izzie to kill the god sealed in him after enough attempts.
Alden: Edgelord brother that has a legend of being a great hero in the past. Izzie used to admire him before she knew they were related and after figuring it out and meeting him things have been weird. Izzie repeatedly reaches out and Alden doesn't take it, but he does care in his own way.
Sirverse: Izzie's primary reality, a D&D universe across many games set in the far future of the Forgotten Realms.
Izzieverse: A world where many terrible things in the Sirverse never happened, but Izzie suffers as a result.
School AU: Born from a fallen star, Izzie and Acamar are raised by the famous philanthropists Aldo and Alaya.
First Impression
Roleplay Rules
All normal rules HERE also apply.
Absolutely Not Allowed
NO ROMANCE. Izzie is only for her two beloved angels. Expect only rejection if you try.
Do not kill Izzie. Izzie death is only for fiction pieces
No bad ends. Izzieverse's cursed Izzie is the only bad end Izzie
Iffy Allowance
Always ask for consent before touching the slime lest ye get literally actually burned.
With Great Power: Izzie's Abilities
Warning: half-finished section. Just wanted to get it out there.
Izzie's powers and how they work are considerably more complicated than her anatomy. It's difficult to wrap your head around the idea of an anti-magic caster. She's cold-iron and you would assume being anti-magic would make her a massive hole in the Weave where magic dies, but she's not. Her state is more like the Weave simply ignores her until it cannot. To cast magic is to take the Weave into yourself and shape threads to make effects, but this process always takes more Weave than you put out which is why the Weave is under a constant cycle of repair. Izzie always uses everything she takes. The Weave passes through her without stopping to fill her body nor be filled by it. She is a conduit the Weave is content to ignore until she draws on the raw energies that make it up. Power that is older than magic.
Magic is commonly divided into a few major categories. Divine, Arcane, and Ki are the primary ways magic is channeled. You can easily relabel them by their true source. Raw energy filtered by a god, raw energy filtered by the Weave, and raw energy filtered by the body. Psionics, unlike magic, does not filter this energy and instead shapes it directly through intent. This raw energy left over by creation is sometimes called creation energy to separate it better in discussions on magic. Izzie does not use magic. She uses psionics and sometimes, raw creation energy itself.
For better or worse Izzie's nature doesn't make her immune to spells. Resistant at times, but her cold-iron nature is quite weak for her physical body and primarily guards her mind and soul from assault. Charm and fear effects slide right off unless they can overwhelm her. This may seem strange, but you have to remember the Weave still flows through her and as long as it does she's still vulnerable to anything done through the Weave. Her nature can only instinctively protect her so much, and Izzie will likely never master it.
As a caster, most of her powers when not psionic relate to her nature. Izzie has never formally learned a spell in her life and largely creates spells by vibe or pale imitations of spells she's actually heard of and read about. If casting spells you've only heard of off-the-cuff sounds familiar, congratulations, you're probably thinking about the Wish spell. Wish is a spell that uses raw creation energy to make miracles and shape not just the Weave but reality itself. Izzie is, fundamentally, a Wish caster who is just wishing really hard to do all the amazing things she does and has no idea. Intent and Desire are powerful forces, and she has them in spades.
This is the way I mentally categorize Izzie's powers. You'll have to forgive the use of D&D spells, but it's the media she's seen the most play in and the sorts of powers people are likely familiar with which saves me a lot of explaining.
Psionic Mind
This category are psionic abilities that rely on subtle powers such as emotion reading or manipulation, or the implantation of thoughts. Almost all the harmful abilities in this category run on Izzie's ability to give others a taste of supreme existential cosmic dread. This is also her primary power source because for Izzie this kind of thing is instinctual. The dread is caused by her mind reaching out and touching another with the full weight of what she is. The feeling of being so small and worthless next to a true star that can shape reality at a whim. The threat of knowing you are powerless next to the cosmic beings that normally ignore you and now one is looking your way with contempt. The charm effects are similar, but instead she presents what she's made of and touches the mind with love, hope, and curiosity. Soothing the soul with raw love and hope tends to be potent.
Message - A basic form of extending her telepathy farther than usual. She doesn't need the material component for this spell. The somatic is pointing at the target, and the vocal is the message.
Friends - Basic charm effect. Izzie doesn't need the material component usually associated with the spell, and the vocal is "Don't you want to be friends?"
Minor Illusion - somatic is drawing with her index finger
Mild Silver - A bolt of raw psionic energy sent straight to the mind giving you a headache, softly chanting 'mess up mess up mess up'. Vocal component is "Akil".
Mind Spike - Existential dread based headache. Somatic is her hand reaching out and grasping the air towards the target.
Tasha's Mind Whip - Existential dread so bad that you can barely think much less act. Vocal is "Invalod".
Dissonant Whisper - Existential dread so bad you can only run from the source. Vocal is "Szept".
Antagonize - vocal, somatic, material
Mental Prison
silvery barbs
detect thoughts
detect magic
Disguise Self - This is a casual perception filter over her shapeshifting to cover up the little details. Discovering the illusion doesn't actually dismiss the form, though it does reveal Izzie is terrible at being colors that aren't pink or purple. Vocal is "Przebranie" with a somatic hand flourishy wave.
Psionic Might
This category is all powers that run on pure thought. The emotion behind it isn't what's hurting you, it's raw intent given solid form. Izzie doesn't use any of these particularly often unless under duress because most of the big effects here are very difficult for her to use. Other than shield. "Don't hurt me" is a thought she can put plenty of power behind.
Psychic Lance
Synaptic Static
psychic scream somatic
bigby's hand
Mage hand
Alter Self - This is essentially a low-tier Wish for Shapechange without a stat-block change.
Misty Step - Teleporting is not a purely mental effect and so is categorized under Might.
Stars burn. This category is all Lightning (plasma) and Fire (also plasma) damage. While Izzie is primarily a fire user, lightning isn't outside of her domain. Other beings similar to her would probably call any of these abilities crude, though.
Control Flames - Basic fire manipulation done with a hand flourish representing the effect. A swoop up to cause fire, a sideways swish to put fire out, etc.
Create Bonfire - Another basic way to control fire by causing a big one. Vocal is "Ogien" with a somatic of pointing where the fire will go.
Fire Bolt, Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray, Fireball - Balls of fire at varying sizes and amounts of projectiles. The somatic is always pointing at the target, but the vocals in order are "Pozar"
Burning Hands - vocal, somatic
Aganazzar's Scorcher - vocal, somatic, material
Wall of Fire - vocal somatic material
Immolation - vocal
Investiture of Flame - vocal somatic
Fire storm
incediary cloud vocal somatic
Pure, blinding, celestial radiance. If Starfire is crude, then Starlight is the refined version. Izzie isn't any good at channeling this type of power, though. Radiant damage may be very useful, but turning raw energy into crude magical fire is much easier than turning it into potent divine light.
Sickening Radiance
Wall of Light vocal somatic material
Sunbeam vocal somatic material
Crown of Stars
sunburst vocal somatic material
Powers that call on the Astral Sea and that which lies within. A nebulous category for powers that aren't actually intristic to her or even what she is. She just thought 'I should be able to do that' and therefore she can.
Melf's Minute Meteors
neteor swarm vocal somatic
Goology: Izzie's Biology & Anatomy
Note to future me, put a diagram here
Ablative Layer: A lining of compacted slime serving a purpose similar to skin, but also has the benefits of being a thin but rubbery armor. Keeps ichor from evaporating or freezing easily. Can absorb oxygen and hydration straight from the air, but VERY inefficient. Externally it's smooth and slick like heavily lotioned skin. Loses compactness and begins to drip when health is low and ichor priority shifts entirely to preserving ganglia. Tastes like boisenberry and mint. Color shifts through the entire range of colors between pink and purple, though Izzie intentionally keeps it pale to mimic a skin tone.
Ganglia: Long nerve-like strands that serve as sensory input as well as the brain. They can be sensitized to detect light, heat, texture, sound, pain, and vibration. By partially exposing the ganglia they can adjust the sensitivity of their perceptions. However, high sensitivity comes with a high risk of damage from otherwise ordinary sensations. These ganglia have no built-in protective responses to prevent damage and are easily destroyed. Fully internalized ganglia are used to store memories and process thoughts. Most of Izzie’s protein goes towards creating new ganglia to store new memories. Some ganglia connect to structures made to mimic the appearance of humanoid sensory organs. Tastes like.. Fear? Desire? In a raw and decidedly not tasty form. The color tends to be yellow, turning white as it charges with energy.
Ichor: A transport fluid used similarly to blood. Brings vital oxygen, hydration, and nutrition to the entire body. It's also used as hydraulics similar to an octopus, rather than using muscles to move. Mildly acidic and used to digest meals by breaking them down into their base components and can break down almost anything, but not particularly quickly. Can also strip the very magic from things due to anti-magic alignment. When under duress ichor prioritizes maintaining the ganglia above all else. This liquid is also viscous enough to be put back into her by hand, though it is very runny similar to chocolate syrup. Tastes like raw celestial energy burning you alive actively. Tangy! It's a brilliant yellow color most of the time and turns white when highly charged with creation energy. If the color has become dull or desaturated, it means it is beginning to die from a lack of oxygen, hydration, or nutrition.
Cavity: The malleable nature of Izzie means ichor can be compacted into slime and form a cavity to hold objects. She rarely uses this. Cavities can also be used to hold excess oxygen and water, though there are size limits based on the current size of Izzie. While she can theoretically hold up to her own weight, she can only effectively hide about half her weight. This is currently around 30 lbs or 3.5 gallons.
Organelle: Izzie still relies on single-cell-like organelles to process what her ichor breaks down. Most of these are mitochondria.Nucleus: DNA storage and ‘heart’ of all Izzie’s cells. Uses some kind of invisible communication to control everything but the ganglia, which is the heart of the structure. It's made of a fragment of the core of a star and its destruction is quite explosive.
Vocal cords: Similar beings use air sacs to produce sounds, but Izzie uses fully formed vocal cords to sound more like an ordinary person. Her natural voice using an air sac is terrifying to listen to. She prefers telepathy over speaking due to the invisible struggle of being a slime-based being using vocal cords.
Pseudopod: Also called tentacles for obvious reasons, these ichor-powered projections have ganglia split from the primary group, allowing them to operate independently. The more used, the less control Izzie has over them. She tends only to use two because she can easily influence two pseudopods' actions, but more is a struggle.Ooze Layer: Slime storage. A soft layer between the ablative and the ichor, similar to fat, that allows her changing morphology to exist. This undifferentiated viscous ooze is used to create almost everything else. Tastes sweeter than the ablative layer. Almost sugary.
Few things can permanently kill Izzie without fully draining her ichor or outright reducing her to dust.
Izzie gains mass by processing protein and water to create more undifferentiated slime in the ooze layer. When she has more than she can compact into the ablative she noticeably gains weight, mostly in the legs due to not understanding what humanoid weight gain looks like. After awhile it becomes too hard to keep her wide hips and thighs separated and switches to a singular slime foot for locomotion, allowing any further mass to increase its size until she’s just a girl on top of a massive slime. She, thankfully, intentionally burns protein as caloric energy rather than deal with excess mass and weight.
Her normal energy source is sugar. She's a massive sweet tooth. Caloric energy is stored in the ooze layer to be fed back into the ichor as needed, though Izzie is often using energy efficiently enough that eating regular meals like a humanoid is more energy than she needs.
Iz-ppirations: An OOC History
Izzie was first concieved in 2017 for a tabletop game between myself (The DM) and one other person. It involved tons of random tables, and after rolling on a far too difficult enemy that was somewhere between a shoggoth and a beholder I decided to make said enemy an ally.. named Izzie. They were originally a vantablack orb of eyes, mouths, and tentacles with a slimy girl-shaped form featuring a large central yellow eye. The other person (my beloved) fell hard for them, and so Izzie became a mainstay in my OC folder. There was a lot of back and forth on if she was more of a gazer/beholder type of monster or a shoggoth, with no clear answer.
Izzie's second incarnation a year later was much the same, but featured an ambient 'wobbly' effect as well as being cast in a purple rimlight. They ended up quite similar to Snatcher from A Hat In Time by pure accident, but a delightful one. I attempted to play them in a Heroines of the First Age game as an NPC, but the game quickly died. In this incarnation she was a fragment of an outer god-like goddess, protecting the surface from incursion by the underdark-like Deep Lands. This job mostly involves sitting around at The Black Tower warding people away from the primary entrance and performing rituals to seal off the lesser ones. She was meant to be part of an endless cycle of rebirth and reincarnation that the world was forever trapped in along with her own beloved. There was also an attempt to bring this version into VR that failed miserably.
In 2019 a slimy shoggoth version of Izzie was made to replace the slime NPC in a premade DnD 5th edition adventure. This game died almost immediately. Izzie had an entire custom race made using Tyler Kamstra's Monstrous Races 1 and 2. This race couldn't wear armor and was entirely blind, but was also difficult to grapple, fits in 1 inch gaps, could spider climb, was ageless, and had both telepathy and 60ft blindsight. If telepathy counted for vocal components in spells, she likely would've been mute. DnD nerds might notice she was based on the 2e Ghaundans; her class as sorcerer gave her all the missing abilities she needed to be one. She almost took this race into her next incarnation towards the end of the year, but it was ultimately scrapped for being too weird.
This version was also a shadow sorcerer, but when the UA with the aberrant mind sorcerer came out, Izzie's shadow connection was completely dropped in favor of psionics.Early 2020 my beloved finally ran his own game and Izzie was included originally as an aberrant mind sorcerer simic hybrid. As UA and books released, Izzie was eventually 'fixed' by changing her race to plasmoid instead. This incarnation of Izzie is when she became her current purple self, and the dress in her early art is 'The Dress' she earned in this game early on as a reward for defending a colony against mindflayers. Much of her lore was created in this game, and now I twist it as I need to to suit my needs.
Outside of this cleaner timeline, Izzie also takes elements from previous characters on the minor OC listing. Her love of alchemy and witches is from the joy I had on Furcadia's City of Angels playing Shirogane, and her childish outlook and her diary are from Malie after playing her on a Minecraft RP server. Her actual physical design is based heavily on the Monster Girl Encyclopedia Shoggoth mixed with Gothic Lolita and a touch of Hime Lolita. She actually started play with a black sweater dress and a white pinafore to capture the maid look without being a maid, but this element was swiftly dropped as planned as part of her character arc of coming out of her father's shadow.
Some of Izzie's family and friends have their own fun design inspirations. The Philosopher/Aldo is based on one of my beloved's OCs from our teenage years, with Alden being based on a different incarnation of the same character. Yuo is inspired by Fate/Grand Order's Galahad and it's through this that I fell in love with that character. Mie is based on Fate/Grand Order's Jalter and I adore her, but I also see too much of myself in her at times.
Izzie's superforms and Izspawn aren't based on anything in particular, sorry.